ACADEMICOPG | Used for the management of the UFV Graduate Programs |
Guia Especialista | makes it possible to identify UFV researchers, their specialties, scientific production and further information. |
Inscrições da Pós-Graduação | System used for enrollment in any UFV Graduate program. |
Laboratórios da UFV | Access to Laboratories and Multiuser Equipment. |
SAEM | Registration of laboratories and multi-user equipment. It also allows scheduling for the use of multi-user equipment. |
Sapiens | Teaching support system, used to help manage information about all UFV students. |
SEI | Process control system. |
SGS | Secretarial Management System used to prepare official letters, newsletters, acts, minutes, dispatches, internal communication and other activities related to the secretariat service. |
SIBT | System used for the registration of training scholarships. |
SisPPG | Research and Graduate Studies System, used to record every research project developed at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa. |
SisProcesso | System used to control the procedures of the UFV processes. |
Pós-Graduação | Provides information about the UFV Graduate Programs. |