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Public Policies

The Institute of Public Policies and Sustainable Development | IPPDS is a special body of the Federal University of Viçosa | UFV that performs a managerial and executive function in the Institutional Program for the Development of Research, Training, Extension and Services in Applied Human and Social Sciences with emphasis on Public Policies and Sustainable Development.

The Institute emerged from a joint initiative of the Graduate Programs in Business Administration, Economics, Domestic Economics and Applied Economics. It was established in 2010 by the University Council of the UFV, and its headquarters were inaugurated in 2013. Today, in addition to the Graduate Programs that created the IPPDS, it encompasses the Graduate Program in Education.

The body of researchers and technicians at the IPPDS are committed to an interdisciplinary approach, aiming to enhance integration between the different areas of knowledge addressed in the Science Centers of the UFV and their graduate programs.
Its creation is a significant step towards the interaction between social scientists and researchers from other areas, besides the exchange of knowledge and partnerships with national and international centers of excellence focused on the subject.


The Bioagro emerged as the Nucleus of Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture, created in 1988 by a bold effort of several professors at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). These researchers accepted the challenge of bringing advanced biotechnology to the University, considering its strong tradition in Agricultural Sciences research and the fact that several groups of researchers were developing various biotechnological projects.

For 32 years, the Institute of Biotechnology Applied to Agriculture (Bioagro) of the Federal University of Viçosa (Bioagro/UFV) has conducted biotechnology research for the creation of biotechnological products and processes. The current Bioagro building has two floors: one for Bioagro and the other for the National Institute of Science and Technology – INCT. The institute comprises 27 installed laboratories, in addition to 3 associated laboratories, and congregates approximately 600 users, including researchers, technicians and students from several UFV departments, in addition to visiting researchers from other national and international universities.

One of the great challenges faced by Bioagro researchers has been the search for new partnerships outside the UFV, both nationally and internationally, with both the public sector and private companies. There is also a permanent search for funding from government development agencies and the private sector. This open-mindedness has given the University a more realistic perception of social problems, which has contributed to the the training of highly qualified professionals dedicated to social and environmental demands.


The objectives of BIOAGRO include:

– Maintaining the infrastructure of laboratories and facilities for agricultural biotechnology research;
– Coordinating the training and technical-scientific education of human resources in the area of agricultural biotechnology by offering internships for undergraduate students or scholarships for scientific initiation, improvement, master’s, doctorate and post-doctoral research linked to the UFV graduate programs in Agricultural Biochemistry, Botany, Food Science and Technology, Entomology, Plant Physiology, Plant Pathology, Plant Science, Genetics and Breeding, Agricultural Microbiology, Veterinary Medicine, among others;

– Promoting short courses, seminars, workshops and symposiums;

– Coordinating and supporting the execution of research projects linked to the Institute, financed by national or international agencies;

– Providing technical and administrative support to training activities for personnel from other institutions in the area of agricultural biotechnology, encouraging the training and recycling of researchers in specialized laboratories abroad and short-term visits by international consultants to their laboratories;

– Fostering and establishing University-Business partnerships.

The following departments are involved:

• DBG – Department of General Biology

• DBV – Department of Plant Biology

• DBB – Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

• DDE – Department of Entomology

• DEF – Department of Forest Engineering

• DET – Department of Statistics

• DFP – Department of Plant Pathology

• DFT – Department of Plant Science

• DMB – Department of Microbiology

• DPI – Department of Information Technology

• DTA – Department of Food Technology

• DVT – Department of Veterinary

• DZO – Department of Animal Science

Bioagro Administration Office

  Telephone number:  31-3612-2400/2403  

Agribusiness and Bioeconomy Institute

The Institute was generated by two parallel initiatives, one of the Department of Agronomy and the other, of the Department of Rural Economy, which merged due to the common interest and gave rise to the Agribusiness and Bioeconomy Institute.
The institute main target is to bring together professionals in multidisciplinary areas related to agribusiness and bioeconomy and promote the convergence of skills of professors, technicians and students from different UFV departments and other partner institutions, such as the Brazilian Association of Agribusiness ( ABAG).

Forest Fibers

The Department of Forest Engineering (DEF) of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) is accredited as an Embrapii Unit, which works in the area of Forest Fibers, focused on:

• Forest fiber production and quality;

• Conversion of forest fibers into materials and products;

• Conversion of forest fibers into energy and fuel.

The three areas of work encompass almost all applied forestry science knowledge, from forestry to the production of goods that use forest fibers as raw material.
DEF-UFV is pioneer in Forest Engineering in Brazil, which, since its inception, has trained innovation-driven professionals and developed disruptive technologies. We have 60 years of history! The public-private partnerships intervened by the Forest Investigation Society (SIF) made the Department a national RD&I reference institution in forestry.

SIF is an association composed of the most relevant forestry players in Brazil and the world. The Federal University of Viçosa, in turn, gave a shining example of how to bring together the academia and the productive sector. At the EMBRAPII FOREST FIBER UNIT, SIF provides full support for the DEF activities related to prospecting, establishing, contracting and managing projects, with a high-performance team that is agile and effective in meeting the demands.

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