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Innovation & Patents

One of the pillars of the Research and Graduate Studies Office is supporting scientific and technological innovation. For this reason, through the Intellectual Property Permanent Commission (CPPI), we provide advice and guidance on procedures for the protection of Intellectual Property through assistance for filing patent applications, registering trademarks and software with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), protecting Copyrights with the National Library and protecting and/or registering Cultivars with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA).


The Technological Center for Regional Development of Viçosa (CenTev) is an organ of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) linked to the President’s Office, whose mission is promoting interaction between the academic community, the public sector, private companies and society so as to create paths for the development of Viçosa and the region.

CenTev houses an Intellectual Property Permanent Commission (CPPI) office linked to the Graduate Studies Office (PPG), which allows companies to have access to services related to the protection of intellectual property. In the relations between the UFV and companies, the CPPI provides assistance during the entire process related to the negotiation and execution of contracts, including Technology Transfer, Laboratory Sharing and Technology Research and Development Agreement, always safeguarding the secrecy of information and the compliance with the internal procedures of their respective processes.

The “Innovation Link” office project, another close partnership between PPG and CenTev, is in charge of managing the interface between UFV, industry, government and other research organizations. This interaction between the UFV and the productive sector is carried out through technology transfer; knowledge transfer; research support; collaborative research; technology testing; consultancies and advisory services.

Technological Innovation Center

The Technological Innovation Center – Federal University of Viçosa (NIT.UFV – formerly the Permanent Commission on Intellectual Property – CPPI UFV) was created in 1999 to manage UFV intellectual property. It brings together professionals who deal with deposits, records, contracts, concession and maintenance of rights related to the intellectual property generated in the institution. Since then, the NIT.UFV has worked as the UFV Technological Innovation Center (NIT).

The NIT.UFV is dedicated to activities related to deposits, registrations, contracts, concession, transfer and maintenance of rights relating to Intellectual Property. Thus, it provides advice and guidance on procedures for the protection of Intellectual Property, considering all aspects involved.
In relations between the UFV and companies, the NIT.UFV gives support during the entire process of the negotiation and execution of contracts, such as Technology Transfer, Licensing and Partnership and Development Agreements. In view of this, the Commission must safeguard the secrecy of information and the compliance with the internal procedures of their respective processes.

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